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InnoBlog: From Sweden to Spain: Another New Beginning in Barcelona

As I sit back and reflect on the past 365 days, I can hardly believe how swiftly time has flown. My extraordinary journey within the hallowed halls of KTH Royal Institute of Technology has drawn to a close, and while the prospect of what lay ahead in Barcelona was undeniably exciting, these moments of reminiscence have brought a profound sense of euphoria. I must say, my time in Sweden has been nothing short of pivotal.

The last 72 days of those 365, constituting our summer break, were dedicated to rigorous preparations for the next chapter: my second year at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain. This involved a whirlwind of tasks, from the intricacies of applying for a Spanish student visa to the pursuit of accommodation in Barcelona – a somewhat more arduous endeavour compared to the ease of securing housing in Sweden through the school. Add to this the bittersweet farewells to friends who had become like family and the strategic booking of flights, ensuring an early arrival at my new home.

Why Barcelona was my top choice for my second year

As I meticulously combed through the course curriculum for the 2021 cohort, specialising in Sustainable Energy Systems, one destination stood out to me – Barcelona. The first semester in Barcelona offered a curriculum that resonated deeply with my aspirations. It comprised five courses, of which three were mandatory and the remaining two elective. What caught my attention was a course in Data Science, a tantalising opportunity to hone my skills in energy modelling and analysis. This opportunity seemed particularly compelling as this course was a requirement at the time.

While I had often contemplated improving my skills in energy modelling, it was the time spent during the data science summer school organised by  InnoEnergy Masters+ that provided the spark of confidence to venture into this domain.

Yet, as fate would have it, there was a twist in the tale. Our course curriculum saw a revision, with my erstwhile mandatory course transitioning to the elective category, while a fresh array of mandatory courses made their debut. This shift prompted an introspective reassessment, a soul-searching to determine where my true passion lay. While Data Science didn’t make the final cut, the courses I did select, such as Integration of Renewables into the Grids, Solar Thermal Energy, Hydrogen, and Fuel Cells, were unquestionably at the zenith of my academic interests.

Cultural Differences

When compared to living in Stockholm, life in Barcelona is a bit different. It is a vibrant city, alive with youths, notably students, and a captivating rhythm of Spanish speakers making the urge to master the language exciting.



by Eziagbor Osele, InnoEnergy master’s student