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InnoBlog: EIT InnoEnergy – Like a trampoline!

I’m sure you have done countless research on how the EIT InnoEnergy programme is structured and catered towards the European goals for sustainability. In this blog I would like to point out the subtle differences between the EIT InnoEnergy Master programme and a regular 2-year Master’s at any other university.

EIT InnoEnergy Master programmes

Generally, every EIT InnoEnergy Master programme has the first year designed to give a perspective on every possible field of action catering to the course. For example, during the first year the Master’s in Renewable Energy has courses catering to all the possible renewable energy technologies, along with modelling and forecasting courses which could be a potential career track. In the second year, you can choose to specialise, or continue having a general track if you want to keep your career options open. While most other universities organise their Masters in a similar way, what they lacking are courses or events catering to business subjects and soft skills.

Value added activities

EIT InnoEnergy’s programmes are designed to help improve soft-skills by understanding yourself, your strengths and your weaknesses. The summer schools offer courses on entrepreneurship and business management, which are skills that are useful in every job. Taking ownership of your tasks and helping a team move forward as a leader, are developmental skills that are most sought after.


Apart from the course related activities, EIT InnoEnergy’s CommUnity platform offers several opportunities to work on creative events focused on energy and sustainability.  These events enable you to network and meet others with a similar mindset, as well as industry professionals who are invited as key-note speakers. If you wish to deepen your involvement in the organisation of such events, you are also welcome to become a volunteer. In addition,  the CommUnity’s Career Centre platform enables you to look for part-time roles or summer internships.


All in all, I like to see EIT InnoEnergy as a trampoline of opportunities. With a myriad of industry focused events and soft-skill related courses, I believe the more you tap into the opportunities, the more you achieve.


by Malavika Venugopal, Master’s in Renewable Energy student