About EIT InnoEnergy
About EIT InnoEnergy
About EIT InnoEnergy

What we do

Catalysing and accelerating the energy transition

EIT InnoEnergy brings people and resources together, catalysing and accelerating the energy transition. New ideas, products and solutions that make a real difference, and new businesses and people to deliver them to market.

Operating at the centre of the energy transition, we build connections worldwide, bringing together innovators and industry, entrepreneurs and investors, graduates and employers.

How we do it

Our bespoke support to accelerate sustainable energy innovation, knows no borders or boundaries:

  • Start-ups, scale-ups, and innovators receive tailor-made support to boost and de-risk business cases and speed up time to market.
  • Students and learners have access to master’s programmes at 16 top technical universities and business schools.
  • The global workforce have access to more than 35 courses, provided in 10 languages, to equip them with the skills required to create a sustainable economy. 

Our impact

As a result, we have built the largest sustainable energy innovation ecosystem in the world:

  • We have supported 500+ sustainable energy innovations and invested in 200+ companies, all on track to generate 110 billion in revenue and save 2.1 gigatonnes of CO2e accumulatively by 2030.
  • 90% of our start-ups already work with global brand names including ABB, BMW, EDF, Engie, Volkswagen, Galp, Schneider Electric, Naturgy.
  • Our EIT InnoEnergy Master School has attracted students from almost 100 countries. We now have more than 2,000 graduates making an impact in the energy transition all around the globe.

Decarbonising Europe

We are also spearheading the way to a decarbonised Europe by 2050 through the leadership of three industrial alliances: battery storage, green hydrogen and solar photovoltaics.

These alliances bring together the knowledge and experience required to support large industrial projects, which directly impact the energy trilemma: reducing the cost of energy, limiting greenhouse emissions and increasing availability and security.

Ultimately, these actions play a fundamental role in realising our goal of a carbon neutral Europe by 2050.

Our ecosystem

All this is made possible thanks to our rich network of more than 1,200 key players from 18 different countries. Together we act as a key vehicle for the energy transition and make up the ingredients needed to bring a constant pipeline of sustainable energy innovation to market.


Established in 2010 and supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), we have offices and hubs across Europe and in Boston, US. Find out more in our corporate brochure.




Our extensive network of partners represent top rank industries, research centres and universities.


Gigatons of CO2e saved

Our 200+ portfolio companies are on track to save 2.1 gigatonnes of CO2e accumulatively by 2030

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Forecasted revenue

Our 200+ portfolio companies are on track to generate €110 billion in revenue by 2030.

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Patents filed

We bring together innovators, researchers and industry to create commercially viable technologies that deliver results.

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Portfolio companies

Of the 500+ innovations supported, we now have 200+ companies in our equity portfolio

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Investment raised

Our innovations are generating growth and this is proved by the external investment they have raised.


Innovations supported

We help start-ups and entrepreneurs create businesses that bring valuable products to a global market.

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Products launched

Products launched into the market.

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Cleantech VCs

With EIT InnoEnergy’s strategic alliances in sustainable energy, we find allies in our VC Community who can help you succeed.

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Master's & PhD alumni

We offer unique master’s programmes in sustainable energy engineering, innovation and entrepreneurship.


Female engineers

We have doubled the number of women in our programmes since its inception ten years ago, with 35% of participants now being women.