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InnoBlog: Why energy storage is vital for a renewable future

As we progress to a sustainable future, we have seen the establishment of renewable energy technologies with great success rates. However, can the current energy demand be satiated with the current scale of renewable energy deployment? The answer to that is, unfortunately, not yet! The good news is that researchers and tech giants have recognised the various aspects that need to be developed with the renewable energy technologies realm and have taken steps to match the supply with the demand.

One such answer to our renewable technology implementation plan is the development of energy storage and its associated technologies. In fact, EIT InnoEnergy invests heavily in this field leading initiatives like the European Battery Alliance and supporting innovations and start-ups related to batteries, thermal energy storage, ultracapacitors, hydrogen solutions and more. Exciting, right? That is why I decided to specialize in this field as I believe energy storage will speed up the uptake of renewable energy technologies.

Why study energy storage?

The Energy Storage Association has elaborated on the benefits of investing in storage for long term reliability [1]. Some of the benefits include:


Improves grid reliability:  Due to the intermittent nature of renewable sources, even the technologies are unable to operate optimally during low periods and hence, can cause disruptions in power supply. Having storage technologies enables consumers to enjoy an uninterrupted power supply without worries. It also creates room for flexibility in the integration of additional renewable resources and makes it easier to match the load if changes to the existing system are initialised.


Reduced costs: Storage supports cost reduction because the one-time investment made in storage offsets operational costs and disruptions to the power supply which just adds to the bill.


Environmental Benefits: Storage helps in optimising the efficiencies of renewable technologies which consequentially reduces harmful emissions and pollutions.

These benefits highlight the importance of establishing an energy storage system in our industry as we transition towards a more sustainable infrastructure. Hence, there is a need for skilled professionals to research, develop and commercialise the use of energy storage technologies whilst conducting techno-economical feasibility studies on the same. I would like to be a part of this development as it will mean providing a sustainable future for generations to come!



Master’s in Energy Storage Information Session

3 November 2021. 15.00 CET. There has never been greater demand for engineers with the new-generation technical skills, the digital know-how and the business understanding to drive the next revolution in sustainable energy – energy storage!


Meet EIT InnoEnergy Master’s in Energy Storage team from all partner universities: Prof. Fatima Montemor from Instituto Superior Técnico, Prof. Silvia Bodoardo from Politecnico di Torino and Prof. Annukka Santasalo-Aarnio from Aalto University to discuss programme’s curriculum, thesis opportunities, career after graduation and any other programme related topics!