For Corporates

Co-funded by the

European Union

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Smart electric grid

CFE Inventory

Companies may struggle getting credible data on the green energy they purchase and consume.‍ FlexiDAO analyses data to help companies report with confidence and make intelligent energy procurement decisions. The software tracks the origin of renewable energy in real time and matches production data to each consumption point.


Software that makes scope 2 emissions reporting more efficient

FlexiDAO’s software collects your energy certificates, meter data & related emissions. It checks where your energy really comes from, every hour. All your renewable energy contracts aggregated in one place.The information can be visualised in the FlexiDAO software or fed straight into your own energy or sustainability software.

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The need

Companies struggle to obtain and manage credible data on the green energy they purchase and consume. There is a need to reduce the cost and time invested in energy and CO2 data collection, consolidation and aggregation.

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The solution

FlexiDAO offers an efficient way to view data and analytics on a consumer’s renewable energy procurement to achieve better performance. The software collects energy certificates and related emissions, keeping track of where a consumer’s energy comes from at each hour of the day. All renewable energy contracts are stored in one place, and information can be visualised via the FlexiDAO software, or fed into a consumer’s personal energy or sustainability software in an automated way.

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The value proposition

  • Saves time and costs on data collection.
  • Consolidates global energy data and certificates.
  • Avoids manual interactions with registries, suppliers, or third parties.
  • Simplifies scope 2 emissions reporting.
  • Boosts credibility of green energy reporting.
  • Saves auditor costs by streamlining certificate validation.
  • Tracks progress towards monthly renewable goals.
  • Monitors cost vs. budget for each energy product.
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Pallares 9908037 Barcelona
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